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CategoriesChildren Information

Language, communication and skills

Many autistic children develop language skills at a different rate and in a different order from typically developing children. This means they might not understand what you say to them or might have difficulty following instructions. Some autistic children can find it difficult to use spoken language to ask for things or tell other people what […]

CategoriesChildren Information

Development and Autism

Autistic children might develop skills at different rates from typically developing children. They might also develop skills in a different order from other children. For example, autistic children might start to use a few single words around 12 months of age and then develop language differently from typically developing children as they get older. Or […]

CategoriesChildren Information Medical

Autism Diagnosis

Autism can be diagnosed from 12-18 months, but it’s usually from around 2 years of age. Diagnosis usually involves many specialists and professionals testing and assessing a child – this is called a multidisciplinary assessment. A multidisciplinary team usually includes a paediatrician, a psychologist a speech pathologist and sometimes a psychiatrist. It might also include other professionals, […]

CategoriesChildren Information

Autism and children

Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.), an autistic child experiences limitations in the areas of social communication and interaction in addition to restrictive, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities. These deficits may affect their active participation in academic settings, undermining their overall academic outcomes. Autistic children have three […]

CategoriesEvents Projects

27th Nov 2021 Online Workshop

Differently Talented Society of Kenya (DTSK) will be hosting a workshop on Saturday 27th November, 2021 at 12.30pm to 2.30pm. Facilitator : Dickson Kambo an Autism Trainer in the U.K . Dickson has 18 yrs working experience with children and adults with ASD, LD, suicide & self harm, and mental health. He started and has […]

CategoriesEvents News

20th Nov 2021 Workshop

Differently Talented Society of Kenya will hold a caregivers/parents physical workshop at Marble Arch hotel, Lagos Rd (near the fire station) on Saturday 20th November, 2021 at 9.30am to 1pm. The training facilitator shall be our Vice-chair Jimmy Karanja a Developmental Educator (Masters in Disability policy and practice). Discussion Topics: Choosing the right assistive device […]